Sunday, March 9, 2008

Holden's three weeks old (3/9/08)

Holden is three weeks old today. I'm back from Orlando and happy to be spending time with my little family. He's healthy, gaining weight, and handsome as ever. Victoria, of course, did a fantastic job taking care of him while I was away. She's incredible; taking care of both of us.

Holden seems to be sleeping for slightly longer intervals at a time. During the day, I try to comfort him whenever I can. I have to learn more lullabies. I downloaded an album of them off of iTunes, but it turns out they were just instrumental. I need lyrics. Something did occur to me though - did you ever realize that Baa Baa Black Sheep, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and the Alphabet Song are all essentially the same song? Hum each one and you'll notice that they're all the same song with different words. Does everyone else already know this? He likes movement. So I rock him and walk around the house singing one of the four songs I know. Or I just make songs up. That seems to work pretty well too, plus it entertains me at the same time - seeing what kind of stuff I come up with.

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